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Message from the President

Henry R Shibata

In the past year, many notable events have taken place. 1. I retired from the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC) after 53 years of service as a surgical oncologist, a teacher and research scientist as of Dec 31 2014. 2. My wife, Nachiko and I decided to leave Montreal in October 2015, after living here for 54 years and move to Ottawa to live with my younger son and his family. 3. I agreed to continue as President of the Montreal Academy Club, now in its 52 years of existence until further notice. 4. We wish to thank Mr. Kentaro Oishi and his wife, Akiko for their many years of devoted service to our Club 5. A new Executive Committee has been formed as follows: Dr. Hiroaki Sato, Mr. Yoichi Miyahara, Mrs. Yoko Sayeki With the expert support of this dynamic Executive Committee, we hope to enjoy greater social and academic activities in the future years to come. 6. The 50th Anniversary Celebration Book has been published and will be distributed to the contributors. It will be made available for those who wish to have a copy. A sincere hope for continued success for our unique Club!







6. この度、目出度く、会の創立50周年の際に企画しました記念誌が刊行されるに至りました。寄稿者の方々にお送りするとともに、希望者にも頒布する予定です。


Henry R Shibata MD MSc FACS FRCSC Professor Emeritus McGill University Surgical Oncologist MUHC (retired) Chairman Emeritus Cedars Cancer Foundation

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